Whats Coming?? 👀👀

August 9, 2022

Hello All!

We are excited to introduce everyone to our NXT Coin, NXTChain, NXTWallet, NXTScan Explorer and our new validator NXTreme nodes.

If you are in this chat, you are extremely early.

Thank you for your patience and for being an important part of this early group.

I would like to give everyone some upcoming dates and information on a couple of our forward-looking partnerships.

October 15, 2022 – NXT Soft Launch (Testing Deployment / Smart Contracts / Front-End Design)

a. Website – In Progress

b. Social Media Management – In Progress

c. Marketing Agency Contract – Contract Signed

d. Front-End Web Development Agency – Contract Signed

e. NXTreme Node – In Progress (Delivery Date, March 2023)

f. Front-End Design Agency – Octocode

g. Cryptojunkeez Sponsorship

GET READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 2022 – NXT Goes Live